105 research outputs found

    Chondrodystrophic dwarfism and multiple malformations in two sisters.

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    A genetic skeletal dysplasia with dwarfism, scoliosis and multiple skeletal defects was observed in two sisters. Only nine cases with similar features have been reported in the literature

    Detecting Carried Objects in Short Video Sequences

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    Abstract. We propose a new method for detecting objects such as bags carried by pedestrians depicted in short video sequences. In common with earlier work [1, 2] on the same problem, the method starts by averaging aligned foreground regions of a walking pedestrian to produce a rep-resentation of motion and shape (known as a temporal template) that has some immunity to noise in foreground segmentations and phase of the walking cycle. Our key novelty is for carried objects to be revealed by comparing the temporal templates against view-specific exemplars generated offline for unencumbered pedestrians. A likelihood map ob-tained from this match is combined in a Markov random field with a map of prior probabilities for carried objects and a spatial continuity as-sumption, from which we obtain a segmentation of carried objects using the MAP solution. We have re-implemented the earlier state of the art method [1] and demonstrate a substantial improvement in performance for the new method on the challenging PETS2006 dataset [3]. Although developed for a specific problem, the method could be applied to the de-tection of irregularities in appearance for other categories of object that move in a periodic fashion.

    Background Subtraction on Distributions

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    High resolution dynamical mapping of social interactions with active RFID

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    In this paper we present an experimental framework to gather data on face-to-face social interactions between individuals, with a high spatial and temporal resolution. We use active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices that assess contacts with one another by exchanging low-power radio packets. When individuals wear the beacons as a badge, a persistent radio contact between the RFID devices can be used as a proxy for a social interaction between individuals. We present the results of a pilot study recently performed during a conference, and a subsequent preliminary data analysis, that provides an assessment of our method and highlights its versatility and applicability in many areas concerned with human dynamics

    Patch-Based Experiments with Object Classification in Video Surveillance

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    We present a patch-based algorithm for the purpose of object classification in video surveillance. Within detected regions-of-interest (ROIs) of moving objects in the scene, a feature vector is calculated based on template matching of a large set of image patches. Instead of matching direct image pixels, we use Gabor-filtered versions of the input image at several scales. This approach has been adopted from recent experiments in generic object-recognition tasks. We present results for a new typical video surveillance dataset containing over 9,000 object images. Furthermore, we compare our system performance with another existing smaller surveillance dataset. We have found that with 50 training samples or higher, our detection rate is on the average above 95%. Because of the inherent scalability of the algorithm, an embedded system implementation is well within reach

    Automatsko brojanje putnika u javnom željezničkom prijevozu uporabom waveleta

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    Previously, we introduced a passengers’ counting algorithm in public rail transport. The main disadvantage of that algorithm is it lacks automatic event detection. In this article, we implement two automatic wavelet-based passengers counting algorithms. The new algorithms employ the spatial-domain Laplacian-of-Gaussian-based wavelet, and the frequency-domain applied Non-Linear Difference of Gaussians-based wavelet bandpass video scene filters to extract illumination invariant scene features and to combine them efficiently into the background reference frame. Manual segmentation of the scene into rectangles and tiles for detecting an object as seated is no longer needed as we now apply a boundary box tracker on the segmented moving objects’ blobs. A scene map is combined with the wavelet-based methods and the boundary box for multi-camera object registration. We have developed a novel holistic geometrical approach for exploiting the scene map and the recorded video sequences from both cameras installed in each train coach to separate the detected objects and locate their positions on the scene map. We test all the algorithms with several video sequences recorded from the both cameras installed in each train coach. We compare the previously developed non-automatic passengers’ counting algorithm with the two new automatic wavelet-based passengers’ counting algorithms, and an additional spatial-domain automatic non-wavelet based Simple Mixture of Gaussian Models algorithm.U prethodnim radovima uveli smo algoritam za brojanje putnika u javnom željezničkom prijevozu. Glavna manjkavost dosadašnjeg algoritma odsustvo je sustava za automatsko otkrivanje događaja. U ovom radu implementirali smo dva algoritma za automatsko brojanje putnika temeljena na waveletima. Novi algoritmi koriste LoG (Laplacian-of-Gaussian-based) wavelete u prostornoj domeni i pojasne filtre temeljene na waveletima nastalim na nelinearnim razlikama Gaussovih funkcija u frekvencijskoj domeni, pomoću kojih se izdvajaju značajke neosjetljive na razlike u osvjetljenju iz pojedine scene. Te značajke kombiniraju se u referentnu sliku koja prikazuje pozadinu scene. Ručna segmentacija scene u pravokutnike korištena u prethodnom algoritmu više nije potrebna jer se sada koristi automatsko praćenje rubova na segmentiranim objektima. Mapa scene kombinirana je s wavelet metodama i okvirom granica slike u svrhu registracije objekata pomoću više kamera. Razvili smo i novi cjeloviti geometrijski pristup koji koristi mapu scene i snimljeni videozapis iz dvije kamere postavljene u svakom vagonu vlaka pomoću kojeg možemo odvojiti detektirane objekte i locirati njihove položaje na mapi scene. Algoritmi su ispitani na nekoliko videosekvenci snimljenih s dvije kamere u vagonima. Usporedili smo ranije razvijene neautomatske algoritme za brojanje putnika s dva nova algoritma i s jednostavnim MoG algoritmom u prostornoj domeni

    Unusual Event Recognition for Mobile Alarm System

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    What's in the eyes for attentive input

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